For example, four percent of the world's population cannot consume twenty-five percent of its oil without conflict. Some one billion humans live with chronic hunger, while being bombarded with American marketing/propaganda that highlights the good life to be found in democratic consumption. Billions more eke out a meager living in landscapes scarred by industrial capitalism and terrorized by American corporate client governments.
It is far from certain that democratic capitalism can provide plentiful, equitable, just and sustainable livelihoods to the world's teeming masses. Islamic and other revolutionary responses capture well the frustrated aspirations of those that know only grinding poverty, violence, environmental damage, and life outside of the American safe zone of conspicuous consumption. Unmet human need, environmental decline and an absence of justice in the face of American opulence and power fuels criminal acts of terror.
The American lifestyle is not currently sustainable - nor can it ever be universalized to the global population. Institutionalized over-consumption has caused looming ecological crises of mammoth proportions - including collapse of terrestrial ecosystems, water scarcity, climate change, and ocean dead zones - that threaten the existence of key human habitats and thus the very ecological foundation of being.
Perspective is dreadfully lacking in post-911
American style liberal democracy - one of the greatest political philosophies of all time, particularly in terms of individual and minority rights - has been nearly totally usurped by conservative fascism, an unholy alliance of government, business interests and Christian fanatics. Islamic and Christian fanaticism are two sides of the same coin - forcing ones spirituality upon others, and seeking power to do so.
In particular, outdated resource oligarchies responsible for
so much environmental and social damage (big oil with a Bush mouthpiece) have
successfully lead a coup de tat to gain control of
How then should
* Immediate military withdrawal by the
* Major investments in energy conservation and renewable
alternatives; including doubling energy taxes and new car energy efficiency
* Renewed vigorous support for international legal institutions
and tribunals to punish criminal acts of terror, genocide and military
* Launch major international initiatives to support
community based sustainable development, and to slow and then reduce human
population growth through non-coercive means.
* Eliminate corporate subsidies and gradually reduce military expenditures, channeling these resources towards conserving, protecting and renewing the land, air, water and oceans.
At a personal level, in addition for advocating for the above, there are a number of things each American can do to build a plentiful, just, equitable and sustainable future. Americans must be challenged to develop a personal notion of enoughness. Such voluntary simplicity distinguishes between consumption for consumption's sake and human needs and reasonable wants, focusing upon quality rather than quantity.
American citizens' dreadful detachment from the World, as
evidenced by lack of geographic knowledge, must be redressed. The world is a village - and reasonable
aspirations of other peoples for a fair share of the wealth, and freedom from
the American cultural monolith, are ignored at all our peril.
And finally, the author challenges all Americans to
reexamine their relation with the Earth.
Human societies and economies are entirely dependent upon the Earth's
ecosystems for our biological needs. We
can no longer live as if the air, water, land and oceans are garbage dumps; but
instead, must recognize them as human habitats required for life. Our life.
As goes the Earth will go humanity.
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